There are numerous factors that can prematurely age your skin. Today, more than ever, you have the opportunity to effectively combat the signs of aging and restore your skin's youthful appearance. The popularity of skin rejuvenation treatments utilizing light-based technologies has seen a significant surge in recent years.


In the course of the treatment, DPC pulses are directed towards the targeted area. The choice of the energy level, whether it's high or low pulses, depends on the specific condition being treated and is determined by your aesthetic physician. These pulses penetrate the dermis layer of the skin, generating heat within the tissue. This heat induces the contraction of collagen fibers, resulting in immediate skin tightening effects. Additionally, it stimulates the body to produce new collagen, aiding in the restoration of skin elasticity and firmness, ultimately delivering long-term results.


In the course of treatment, the skin receives Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) pulses. These pulses, with their specific wavelength, are optimally absorbed by the pigmented lesion. The energy generated by the pulses causes the pigmented lesion to break down and eventually fade away, while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. Initially, this process results in the darkening of the pigment, followed by the formation of a scab over the treated area. This scab naturally exfoliates within 1-2 weeks.


  • Visible results will be apparent after the initial treatment, with your skin feeling tighter and smoother. For lasting results, it is advisable to undergo multiple treatments.

  • No, you may encounter temporary redness in the treated area, but this should subside within a few hours.

  • The standard procedure consists of around 5 treatment sessions, ideally spaced 4 weeks apart for optimal results. A complete facial skin rejuvenation treatment typically lasts between 15-30 minutes, allowing you to resume your daily routine promptly.

  • SharpLight's skin rejuvenation treatment is non-invasive and entirely safe. Throughout the procedure, you may experience a brief, momentary stinging sensation lasting 1-2 seconds, but there is no pain involved. These treatments entail no downtime, allowing you to easily incorporate them into your schedule, such as during your lunch hour, and promptly resume your daily routine.


  • SharpLight's solution is suitable for addressing a diverse range of pigmentation concerns, including sun damage, age spots, and freckles on various areas such as the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, legs, and feet.

  • DPC Technology has been clinically proven to remove unwanted pigmentation on skin types I-V

  • Following the initial treatment, you can anticipate a decrease in the visibility of undesired skin pigmentation. With subsequent treatments, the pigmentation is likely to vanish, resulting in a more even skin tone.

  • Typically, the recommended course of treatment consists of an average of 4-6 sessions, with the specific number influenced by the size of the treated area. For optimal results, it is advised to space these sessions 4 weeks apart, allowing for the natural healing process to occur during each treatment.