Radio frequency face and body contouring. The body's natural healing mechanism is triggered with RF treatments, which warm the skin and cause collagen contraction and production. RF is a non-invasive technology that effectively reduces excess fat and tightens skin, visible reduction in cellulite and stretch marks, as well as long-lasting effects with no downtime.


During the treatment, your aesthetic practitioner will use RF that targets water in the fat cells. These fat cells are usually enlarged and are the reason behind the dimpling in the skin. The endothermic heat produced by this advanced Radio Frequency treatment, significantly reduces the size of the fat cells, which contributes the appearance of smoother skin. The heat also breaks the extracellular sobers that cause the dimpling of the skin. As a result, the skin is restored to its original form.


  • Suitable for all skin types exhibiting mild skin laxity in the lower face. It's important to note that RF skin tightening is not a substitute for a face/neck lift.

  • The duration of treatments may vary, ranging from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the specific area of the body undergoing treatment.

  • This treatment involves no discomfort and requires no downtime.

  • Typically, achieving the desired results requires around 6-10 treatments. Results will vary

  • It is recommended to schedule appointments consistently every 1-2 weeks and maintain your results as necessary.

  • SharpLight’s Radio Frequency technologies have been clinically proven to reduce unwanted cellulite. Unlike gels or creams, the treatment structurally changes the skin. It reduces fat deposits and improves skin laxity - the two factors that cause cellulite.